About me….that is so hard for me to type but as the tag line states…transformations in home, body and life.
Transformations in home: I am a crafty, frugal home décor chick. I love decorating and transforming my home on the cheap. I usually lay in bed at night or day dream at work about all the great projects I can do around my home and how I can do it on a budget. I want my home to be my haven and I desperately try to make it as such.
Transformations in Body: On top of the décor/crafty side of life, I have recently lost over 70 lbs. on Weight Watchers. Ever since I was little I have always been over weight and struggled with this. I never, ever, thought that I would be able to lose weight. My hope is that this blog will allow me to be accountable.
Transformations in Life: What can I say….I’m constantly growing as a person. I have changed so much over the years. This blog will give you a glimpse of that. My hope is that this blog with inspire change in your own life whether it be in your home, your body or in your life.
To successful transformations,