I created a pendant light for my hallway for less then $20. I'm not joking and it looks super cool and super high end minus the super low end pictures taken with my iPhone. Anyways...I spotted this lovely wooden stick orb thing at Goodwill the other day.
I was so shocked to see something this good for $2 there. That's right, I said it $2 smackers. I have a picture to show you, just so you know I'm not lying. Anyways, I picked it up with no real thought at first with what I was going to do with it but I knew that I needed it ;)
Fast forward to a few days and while I was surfing through Pinterest (I know, I know, you would've never thought that about me) I stumbled over this picture and thought, hey maybe I could use that orb stick thingy.
So I did some research online and found out that Home Depot has a Pendant Lighting Kit, just what I needed. It wasn't too overly priced but I little more than I like to spend.
But anyways, I picked it up. That night I started the process of assembling this light because it was sooooo labor intensive...just joking, took all of 2 minutes to find the perfect spot for the light to fit in the orb.
Total breakdown for this project:
Orb: $2
Pendant light kit: $14.95
Total: 16.95
So there you have it. A gorgeous pendant light for less then $20 and about 20 minutes of your time.
Also, quick sneak peak of my dining room. It has taken me a few months but it is almost there. I am sooo happy with the way that it turned out. I added the chair rail, baseboard, and the picture frame molding. I also painted it too. I just need to add some more décor items and then its done. Please don't mind the random clutter on the table :)
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